St. Xavier's e-School Gurthari, SANGAT (BATHINADA)

Chairman Message

Our child-centric approach is aimed at the holistic development of students. we focus on an excellent academic and physical environment that is conducive to learning, developing creativity, and exploration. Students are encouraged to be active in sports, art & culture, music, and social service activities. We are glad to empower the young ones so that they learn to act with conviction. We strive to create healthy, strong, disciplined, bold, and competent citizens who will work for the betterment of the Nation. Synergistic to the school’s mission, it’s a constant endeavour to provide all the infrastructural support to the entire team and students. All efforts are undertaken to help the staff, especially academic, learn and grow. Multifarious skills of staff are identified and opportunities provided to utilise the skills for energising the generation next.

Principal Message

At St. Xavier’s E-School, learning is not just limited to students, here everyone is a learner and has a scope for improvement. Regular trainings, seminars and orientation programmes are conducted for teachers and students alike, with a dual focus to improve and effectively implement innovative ideas in teaching-learning practices as well as to take the students beyond their current level of learning. We use an amalgam of scholastic and co-scholastic strategies to enrich the experience of learning through relevant, innovative and constantly evolving methodologies and technological applications. Our approach to education is inquiry-based and application-oriented across all subjects. There is a strong emphasis on alternate routes of learning such as sports, activities, project-based learning, brainstorming, role play, interactive lab experiments, hands-on experience, and practical knowledge to make learning more engaging and effective. In addition to academics, we give equal emphasis on providing a safe and supportive environment that is free from all prejudices.

Welcome to St. Xavier's E-School, Sangat Road, Gurthari (Bathinda)

Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a future job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one’s life in a right path. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face the future challenges. Parents, students and the school authorities are a team and we have to complement each other’s efforts. Let’s pray to Almighty to shower us the strength to stand by our will and ethics that would pave the way for the betterment of education and learning.

Our Services List

We are happy to serve

Project Completed
Team Members
Hours Worked
Happy People